Sunday, November 21, 2010

Portrait of a blogger

My sister took this photo of me without me knowing while I was blogging the other day.  I really like it - it is such a snapshot in time.

Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Aww! I love how you are cuddling your kids at the same time. Incredibly sweet photo!

  2. Love to see others with desks like mine. And the weetbix and used nappy are a nice touch! :)

  3. Aaaahahaha that's sooo cuuute!!! 2 kids on your lap. <3

  4. Hey that looks like me, just in another country!

  5. Should be titled 'portrait of a multi-tasker!'

  6. ooh a thai angels menu - what are your thoughts on that place??

  7. Hi all and thanks! I know veggiegobbler, how funny is the nappy?!

    Fraser, good spotting! It has been a really long time since I went to Thai Angels but it was just OK. I should revisit really but am not that motivated too. I want to try Thai Thonglor at Edgewater but the prices are putting me off.


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